Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Information Processing And Implications To Teaching And Learning

In Journal 1, the research worker carefully examines the construction of the information treating theoretical account. This is done so that we can understand how each of the construction works and to see the connexion between cognitive schemes and tactic and how it influences the efficiency of acquisition. Learning is done in a assortment of ways. Some instructors would desire their pupils to memorise certain information, or even utilize some expressions like in topics like Mathematicss and Science to work out jobs or have the accomplishments to utilize certain equipment or tools to execute a undertaking. For case, the usage of power point for undertaking work, the usage of any musical instruments in playing music, usage of cock or wrench in mending occupations and so on. Therefore, the scholar shapes his cognition by retrieving, memorizing, practising and others. In both the diaries, they emphasize on the importance of Information-Processing Model and how or what happens when the information is received by the scholar. Harmonizing to Babadogan ( 1995 ) and Ozden ( 1998 ) in Ali Ozel ( 2009 ) , larning is the scholar ‘s ascription to the things go oning or environing the person like his past life, memory and theoretical account. The person is described as active and looking for information. The learner than interprets the information with his progress cognition and attempts to do a meaningful apprehension of the cognition he has gained. In Information-Processing Model, the chief accent is the scholar and the environment harmonizing to both diaries. The scholar interacts with the environment when the simulation activates the receptors. The information is so transferred to the short-run memory ( STM ) . It merely keeps of import information in STM with the aid of selective perceptual experience. In the Journal 2 by Ali Ozel ( 2009 ) , the research worker negotiations about larning schemes used and gives accent on them and on how to larn and what to larn to organize one ‘s ain acquisition ( Weinstein & A ; Mayer, 1956, Wittrock, 1986 ) . These larning schemes are the key points in forming of an single information processing theoretical account. The person ‘s cognitive tactics determines the signifier of storage like in the signifier of tabular arraies, diagrams, charts or images. These can be done by repeat, forming, remembering, directing knowledge consistently in order to better our ability to understand, retrieve and memorise the information for subsequently demands. In short, it helps in organizing the information received in a systematic manner. Both the diaries wrote about cognitive schemes and how these schemes help in bettering a more systematic acquisition signifier. A cognitive scheme is a combination of a figure of cognitive tactics.STAGE MODEL OF INFORMATION ProcessingShort-run memory is besides called working memory and relates to what we are believing about at any clip. In Freudian footings, this is witting memory. It is created by our paying attending to an external stimulation, an internal idea, or even both ( Huitt, W. ,2003 ) . Another major bound on information processing in Short-term memory is in footings of the figure of units that can be processed at any one clip. Harmonizing to Miller ( 1956 ) , he gave the figure as 7 + 2, but more recent research suggests the figure may be more like 5 + 2 for most things we are seeking to retrieve. Because of the variableness in how much persons can work with. For some persons it could be three and for some it could be seven. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate out of import information. If some pupils can merely treat three units of information at a clip, so as pedagogue we must do it a point to do them understand that of import three units of information. Each person has different reading of the information received. Therefore, it may differ from one person to another ( Gagne et al, 1993 ) . In the Short Term Memory, the information received corsets for a short period of clip like 15-20 seconds ( George Miller, 1956 ) . By transporting out coding and forming information good, the information in our Short Term Memory can be transferred to the Long Term memory ( LTM ) . In the Long Term Memory, the capacity is limitless and the continuance is much longer in maintaining the information. Here is where meaningful acquisition signifiers take topographic point. The theoretical account below proposes that information is processed and stored in 3 phases.Figure 2.1: The information processing attack to knowledge ( Huitt, W. ,2003 ) .It is critical that the scholar attends to the information at this initial phase in order to reassign it to the following 1. There are two major constructs for acquiring information into the Short Term Memory. First, persons are likely to pay attending to a stimulation if it has an interesting characteristic. We are more likely to acquire an orienting response if this is present. Second, persons are more likely to pay attending if the stimulation activates a known form. Students try to retrieve relevant anterior cognition. There are four major types of organisation that are most frequently used in instructional design: Component ( part/whole ) — categorization by class or certain facet ( e.g. , when learning a diagram or theoretical account ) Sequential — chronological ; ( e.g. , transporting out an experiment measure by measure ) Relevance – manage thoughts to do it meaningful. Transitional ( conjunction ) – words or phrases that is related and doing meaningful connexion with the alterations over clip ( Huitt, 2003 ) . Chunking is a major technique for maintaining information in short-run memory ; it is besides helps in hive awaying information into the long-run memory. Repeat or rote-learning is a technique we all use to seek to larn something. Simply memorising something does non take to larning. We all have anecdotal grounds that we can retrieve something we memorized, for illustration an essay or short verse form, but the truth is how much or are we able to retrieve it after some clip?3.0 Long TERM MEMORYLong-run memory is besides called preconscious and unconscious memory in Freudian term. Preconscious means that the information is easy recalled or remembered while unconscious refers to informations that is non available during normal consciousness. It is preconscious memory that is the focal point of cognitive psychological science as it relates to long-run memory. The two procedures most likely to travel information into long-run memory are amplification and pattern. There are several illustrations of amplification that are normally used in the instruction and acquisition procedure. Some illustrations are as below: Imaging – to be able to make a mental image. Method of locations-to be able to recover information which is good organized and located. Rhyming – information to be remembered is arranged in a rime. As information is stored in long-run memory, it is organized utilizing one or more constructions like indicative mood, procedural, or imagination. Declarative Memory is information that we can speak about. Semantic Memory are facts, problem-solving schemes and larning schemes. Schema / Schemata is about linking thoughts of a specific experience into a meaningful system. Script is a declaratory cognition that captures general information about a everyday series of events ( Stillings et al. , 1987 ) Program is a set of regulations that explains what to make in a peculiar state of affairs Model is a set of propositions that describes some facets of our experience. Episodic Memory is our personal experience. Procedural Memory is a accomplishment that we learn like driving a auto or siting a motorcycle. Imagination is from images4.0 REVIEW OF JOURNALSThe diaries reviewed are quantitative and qualitative diaries. Journal 1 is a qualitative diary whereby the research worker gives feedback on his reappraisals on information processing and its deductions to learning and larning. On the other manus, Journal 2 is a quantitative diary where the research worker negotiations about the pattern of information processing theoretical account in the instruction of cognitive schemes and examines which schemes are most normally used by primary school instructors. In Journal 1, gives a image of how information is stored and how an person can do a meaningful larning out of an effectual scheme used in hive awaying information. As mentioned earlier, both the research workers in both the diaries talk about the importance of environment and how it influences an person ‘s learning procedure. In Journal 1, the research worker says that each person has different ways of construing information received. For illustration, when utilizing the hearing stimulation, for one person, the sound of birds peeping may be fantastic and quieting but for another person the same sound may annoy him as he finds them upseting. Therefore the information received may differ from one person to another person. In Journal 1, the research worker besides talks about the procedure how information is transferred from the short-run memory to the long-run memory. The research worker explains the term cognitive tactics and cognitive schemes. Below is an illustration of what is cognitive maneuver used by a pupil who is fixing for an English scrutiny. In this instance, the pupil prepares for the Unified Chinese School Examination ( UEC ) . The pupil looks through all the past twelvemonth inquiries in order to fix for the scrutiny particularly looking at the composing subjects and the linguistic communication constituents tested in the past old ages. The pupil so tries to foretell inquiries that might come out for that peculiar twelvemonth by analysing the inquiries carefully. After that, taking the past twelvemonth inquiries, he will fix the replies for each inquiry by memorising what is already in the mention books or will seek to reply the inquiries by using the cognition that he has gathered from larning that peculiar subject. Hence, the scholar is transporting out rote-learning or memorizing and besides critical thought takes topographic point based on his prior cognition which he has assimilated throughout his acquisition procedure. Therefore, the scholar applies his cognitive scheme by transporting out all these tactics. A scholar has to make up one's mind which cognitive maneuver is suited to be used in certain state of affairss in order to hold a meaningful acquisition. Learning schemes processed harmonizing to the information processing theoretical account can supply a more meaningful and lasting acquisition. In journal 1, the research worker besides emphasizes the importance of meaning-making and understanding what is taught and learnt. As an pedagogue, it is our duty in assisting the scholars to develop information processing accomplishments and use them efficaciously. As it was mentioned in 3.0, there are a figure of techniques that a scholar can utilize in assisting to hive away information consistently and understand the memorized information good. Again in diary 1, the research worker has given importance and stressed on the usage of cognitive schemes in steering the scholars ‘ when thought, memorising and taking the most suited cognitive tactics that can be used. This is because a scholar has to cognize which maneuver is used for a peculiar state of affairs as non every maneuver is suited. This is where metacognitive is really of import because a metacognitive scholar will be able to supervise and look into his ain acquisition schemes and to look into if it works for him. Therefore it is of import for instructors to learn her pupils to utilize cognitive tactics metacognitively. However, harmonizing to Biggs ( 1988 ) and Schoenfeld ( 1987 ) , to utilize develop these accomplishments are non that easy and it takes clip. That is why it is of import for instructors to utilize assorted learning techniques that will assist their pupils with. This will heighten their apprehension, retrieval and problem-solving accomplishments. The deductions of information processing in instruction and acquisition have been summarized as below harmonizing to the diary reviewed: Learners will be metacognitively in control of their ain acquisition Learners are more motivated to larn because they have a clearer end. Good scholars will be able to utilize selective perceptual experience to larn the most of import things in a topic or subject. Good scholars will be able to differenciate between the more of import inside informations and the less of import 1s. Good scholars will cognize how to utilize information and when to utilize it. Metacognitive scholars will be able to invent cognitive tactics to assist them remember something easy.USING THE INFORMATION PROCESSING APPROACH IN THE CLASSROOMPrincipleExample1. Derive the pupils ‘ attending. Use cues to signal when you are ready to get down like voice projection to bespeak you are get downing a lesson. 2. Bring to mind relevant anterior acquisition. Revision on the old twenty-four hours ‘s lesson. 3. Stress of import information. Provide handouts or compose on the board. 4. Information organized decently. Use logical sequence to constructs and accomplishments. Travel from simple to complex when showing new stuff. 5. Show pupils how to lump information. Present information in classs. Teach inductive logical thinking. 6. Give chances to pupils to lucubrate on new information. Connect new information to something already known. Expression for similarities and differences among constructs. Have group treatments. 7. Show pupils how to utilize coding when memorising lists. Use mental imagination techniques such as the keyword method, acronyms and etc. 8. Give chance for repeat of acquisition. State of import points several times in different ways during presentation of information ( STM ) . Have points on each twenty-four hours ‘s lesson from old lesson ( LTM ) 9. Give chances to larn of import concepts/skills. Drill on of import facts daily.Table 4.1: Using the Information Processing Approach in the schoolroom ( Huitt, W. ,2003 )In Journal 2, as it is a quantitative survey, the research worker surveies which learning scheme is spent more clip in organizing information processing, how clip intervals are spared for larning schemes and if there is a meaningful difference between the schemes at the facet of the clip for learning larning schemes? In this quantitative attack, the research worker had used a general study to see if there is a difference between the spared clip for learning larning schemes by category instructors in primary schools and organizing and treating information processing theoretical account. About 260 instructors in primary schools working in Istanbul Directory of Education were chosen based on convenience sampling. 51.9 % were females and 48.1 % were males. All of them were alumnuss from different subdivisions. A bulk of them have an experience between 6-10 old ages. The scheme learning tactics developed by Weinstein and Mayer ( 1986 ) and applied by Ozturk about learning larning schemes was used. The facets tested are attending, repeat, meaning, forming, callback, directing knowledge and instruction perceptual experience schemes. The study comprises two parts. The first portion is the clip span spared for learning larning schemes by instructors participated in the study. The 2nd portion is to find which larning schemes out of the seven tested has the most clip spared. The research worker used SPSS 7 bundle plan to find the meaningful differences of frequence, per centum and discrepancy. Data was collected utilizing the study method. Likert Scale of five was used to change over the replies into numeral informations. Harmonizing to the consequences of this survey, instructors spent more clip for repeat schemes ( 41.2 % ) and the least clip for forming. Teachers besides spend more clip to develop attending schemes ( 35.9 % ) . Therefore, the survey indicates that instructors want to organize an information processing profile related to attending schemes. They do this in every lesson and some instructors ne'er taught larning schemes at all from the survey conducted. Time spent for repeat and attending schemes were the highest because they provided pupils to organize a information processing theoretical account supplying them to mean their progress information with their anterior cognition at the facet of the clip spared for learning meaning schemes. From the research, it was besides found that there is a meaningful difference in instructors who spend more clip in learning schemes and instructors who spend less clip in learning schemes.DecisionThe decision after reexamining both diaries are, larning schemes should be taught to pupils in every lesson as they can steer in determining and organizing their acquisition consistently particularly when we use the learner-centered attack. Students should be taught to utilize organisation schemes and follow it decently. They should besides utilize the information processing theoretical account with the schemes that belongs to these tactics. The information processing theoretical accounts in learning and larning schemes should be developed and pupils should be encouraged to alter harmonizing to the current state of affairs and be independent scholars and minds. A good scholar will be able to utilize the information gathered and will cognize when and how to utilize it when they taught the effectual attacks of information processing. Information processing is of import and every instructor has to be familiar with this as by cognizing this, we can help our pupils in relation to retrieving things more efficaciously within the schoolroom scene. In information processing, the system involves the procedure of encoding, retrieval and storage whereby it explains how our centripetal registries and how the short-run and long-run operates. It is impossible to learn pupils new information in a short period of clip but we can learn them in â€Å" balls † to better their overall memory. This will assist pupils to be more focussed in their attending on acquisition by doing it more meaningful to them. It is besides of import to utilize acknowledgment in which instructor will demo their pupils how to utilize their imaginativeness or the procedure of association in order to retrieve new things. Encoding enables pupils to larn and retrieve and associate new information to old information. Use of images, concrete words and ocular AIDSs in the schoolroom will heighten this farther. Organization is a scheme used to better pupils ‘ memory and acquisition. This can be done by learning pupils an sum of information over certain period of clip. Rehearsing what has been taught is besides an effectual manner to increase memory. One could retrieve new stuff through practising, reiterating and associating new information to prior cognition. As an pedagogue, it is indispensable to ever happen new and interesting methods in assisting pupils retrieve new information that is taught to heighten their understanding better. As mentioned in Journal 2, clip spent more for repeat and attending schemes were the highest. However, it depends on the instructors ‘ lesson programs, course of study and instruction manners in order to run into the demands of single pupils. It is of import to utilize a assortment of schemes and attacks to assist pupils with retrieving what they have learnt particularly the new stuffs that they have learnt. It is a known fact that every pupils is able to larn and retrieve good if we provide them with the proper tools, techniques and counsel. Learning is an on-going procedure and every twenty-four hours in our lives we are larning new information. Therefore it is of import how we organize our acquisition and absorb new information on top of the old information that we already have.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

File Processing Commands

What UID and PID have the highest amount of physical memory a process has used and is not swapped out? Show all processes and full output. †¢ top press f press d press p You'll will find cpu usage in descending order for all processes. †¢If using a long listing and no process modifiers, what is the swap space amount for the bash command? †¢ top -p pidof_bash After typing the above command press A (Capital a). You will see the below output. 1 PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 2021 xyz 20 0 XXXXX XXXX 1664 S 0 0. 2 0:00. 43 bash PID PPID TIME+ %CPU %MEM PR NI S VIRT SWAP RES UID COMMAND 2021 2019 0:00. 43 0 0. 2 20 0 S 22132 16m 4952 1000 bash 3 PID %MEM VIRT SWAP RES CODE DATA SHR nFLT nDRT S PR NI %CPU COMMAND 2021 0. 2 22132 16m 4952 XXX XXXX X664 1 0 S 20 0 0 bash4 PID PPID UID USER RUSER TTY TIME+ %CPU %MEM S COMMAND 2021 2019 1000 xyz xyz pts/0 0:00. 43 0 0. 2 S bash Above you can see the swap space. You can also try top -p pidofbash press f pre ss p press enter You'll see the swap space too. †¢When using top command, what command would you use to kill a process? †¢ Press k to kill a process If you were not using top command, what command would you use to kill a process? kill processid killall processname †¢What command would you use to manually mount the standard CD-ROM device /dev/db1 at /media/disk? mount /dev/db1 /media/disk †¢What command would you use to display the amount of available disk space on /dev/db1 in a human readable form? df -h /dev/db1 †¢Type in the command grep – – help to access the help manual. Using this information and the information from the text, how would you write a command to find the pattern 111 in a file called myfile. txt? grep -irna â€Å"111† myfile. txt

Monday, July 29, 2019

Research of Pthisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Research of Pthisis - Essay Example Laennec argued on both clinical and post-mortem grounds that pathognomonic was the hallmark of phthisis. Through the knowledge he had on the cause and location of the disease he identified different diagnoses like scrofula and tuberculosis meningitis. A challenge that was common among the French physicians was the identification of the disease. There are different types of diseases that existed in their vocabulary thus; it was hard to know a disease. They relied mostly on correlations between clinical signs and pathological changes to differentiate diseases and with future developments; criteria of identifying a disease have been developed (McNeill, pp. 22). This saw the improvement of the diagnosis to patients as it was easy to identify the disease a patient was suffering from. Something that troubled the physicians was fever and this was solved in 19th century when they came to identify fever as a sign of a disease. Phthisis in Early Civilization A discovery of human remains in 200 8 showed that tuberculosis existed 9000 years ago in a settlement in the eastern Mediterranean during the Neolithic era (McNeill, pp. 24). This is the oldest ever reported evidence of TB infection in human beings and it was confirmed by morphological and molecular methods. Some authors have identified tuberculosis to be the first disease to be known to humankind. More evidence on tuberculosis during the Neolithic era was also discovered in a cemetery in close proximity to Heidelberg. Signs of the disease have also been discovered among Egyptian mummies in the period between 3000 and 2400 BCE. This shows that the disease has been in existence for many centuries and this is why extensive research has been done on the same. In 1881 Grebart discovered a... Since the discovery of tuberculosis as a killer disease, extensive research has been done on the same. The research has continued to advance with more discoveries that are helping to mitigate the disease. Through research of tuberculosis, physicians have also been able to research on other diseases. There are other diseases that are closely related to TB like typhoid and medical researchers have been able to differentiate TB from other diseases. All the signs of the disease at the fingertips of physicians and this have helped to mitigate the cases of wrong treatment. Through research on tuberculosis, physicians were able to discover that fever is a sign of a disease and not a disease by itself. This discovery better research and from there physicians were able to discover other diseases like yellow fever. The discovery of the vaccine on the 20th century was of great importance. BCG has played a vital role in curbing TB and more so in third world and densely populated countries. Despi te the efforts that are been made through international organizations, TB has remained to be a threat of human life and currently India marks the highest deaths from TB per annum.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

PSYC 320 DB1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

PSYC 320 DB1 - Essay Example The same case applies to having enough knowledge as well as helping the needy. Simply, Saint Paul is implying that the actions humans do are not adequate without love. He further implies that, if the human actions are on the basis of love, their efforts of benefiting the environment are rewarded better as compared to when they lack love (1 Corinthians 13). God wants the humans to impact on the environment by solving various problems in the society with love. He further wants the humans to help one another from their deep hearts and not as a showoff. Moreover, god wants individuals in the society to utilize their talents appropriately in order to receive a better reward (Carter, 2013). There are various situations where the human faith influences their behavior such: participating in social activities like paying taxes, giving to the poor as well as utilizing their knowledge to educate the society on various issues affecting them (1 Corinthians

Place in Our Secular and Scientific World for Religion Term Paper

Place in Our Secular and Scientific World for Religion - Term Paper Example Religion is the ultimate truth and will be followed until science is able to explain absolutely everything in the universe. Philosophers have also had some religious views when it came to science. In their time, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were highly regarded for their wisdom and philosophies. Neither of them as followers of the prevalent pagan mythologies of the time. All of them felt the existence of a greater being, an absolute being, which is above human eccentricities and the weaknesses of Greek gods and goddesses. Of course, they had heated arguments about the nature of this Supreme Being and his creations. These Greek philosophers have left behind teachings that are similar to those of Jesus Christ. (Lindsey). Aristotle’s Unmoved Mover has been a part of his explanations of many physics and metaphysics phenomena.   Of this Unmoved Mover, he says, â€Å"God  has no matter, which means that there can only be one God since it is a matter that differentiates one fo rm or definition into many manifestations of that one form or definition.  His work in physics led to a worldview bringing his followers back to God, pronouncing him as the designer of our clockwork world. His study of the celestial mechanics convinced of the presence of a God as the ultimate creator of science.   Since God has no matter, then God is one not only formally or by definition but also numerically.   In addition, there can be only one unmoved mover, because there is only one heaven:   continuous motion is one motion since such motion is a system of moving parts.† It was Aristotle’s belief that anything that has an absolute pattern or design has to be created; it cannot happen accidentally and needs a reason or case for creation. The Unmoved Mover is the first cause. ("University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ")

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Policy manual Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Policy manual - Assignment Example Electrical shocks and protection from fall can be avoided if employees are aware of the nature of work involved and familiarity with the work site. The company shall conduct a twice a week audit of the work place or site construction to check the actual hazards of the construction site and provide a remedy to improve the work place before they can injure the employees. Safety plans and programs must be followed. ABC CORPORATION values the importance of its construction workers who are responsible in building our modern and state-of the-art buildings which our company is known for. The company recognizes the role of the Construction Manager to ensure that all construction workers are contained in a safe and hazard-free work place. The Construction Manager are expected to ensure the safety of the work place and must report to the Management in case construction workers are exposed or will be exposed to possible harm and danger while in the performance of their duties. The improvement of the welfare of the workers in the work site shall be given utmost importance. The Manager is tasked to report to Management of a possible hazard in the work place and see to it that the employees work in a healthy environment to ensure the high standards of productivity and achievement for the employees. Part-time regular employees are biweekly or monthly paid staff who fill-in budgeted positions who are still part of the regular payroll who shall work at least 50 percent  or more of the normal work week schedule and  five months or more of the year. Probationary employees should undergo a 5 month-period of rendering work with pay, but still subject for evaluation if the employee’s performance deserves to re regularized by the company. These employees have lesser benefits compared to regular employees. Those employees or workers who shall be injured or contract a disease in the performance of their work are

Friday, July 26, 2019

Victor Davis Hanson's The Civic Education America Needs Essay

Victor Davis Hanson's The Civic Education America Needs - Essay Example He further argues that among the factors, which hinder civic education, is the presence of scholar uncertainty where they have no national pride, thus making them lose the element of social cohesion (Forment 451). The scholars in turn join college without self-assurance, hence vulnerable to all fallacies about the American practice. Victor also has his argument on the catastrophic changes in the privileged society, especially from the universities, which have trickled down to the schools. He puts that civic education in this schools has declined over the last thirty years. He says that the ideas from the elites of these universities are characterized as being anti-moral to civic education. He further asserts that the ideas of multiculturalism, dictatorial, intellectual, and ethical relativism disseminated from the top universities through the fourth estate and politicians, greatly undermine the civic education program. Victor further argues that multiculturalism, allowed to the etiqu ette of the underclass, changed the conduct of the youthful people (Forment 452). He believes that to counteract this elite culture from undermining the process of civic education, there is need to cultivate and re-visit the common values and national story of America. Furthermore, Victor Davies argues that the conceit of the Enlightenment, which threatens to eliminate the available, shared pathologies, is a cause of concern in promoting the civic education in America. The segregation and undermining of women plays a key role in disheartenment of efforts to foster the civic education in America. He puts forward that civility, which to many is merely convection, has to become a tool for liberation of the people (Nelles 264). He observes that civility was an oppressive phenomenon of the 1950s, an era punctuated by subdued sexual issues like inhumane treatment of women, minorities and the young people. These were to remind the women that they were the weaker sex and they had no place i n the society. The treatment, according to Victor also wanted to show the youth that they were tacit. It comes evident when the learners of age 20 claim that they owe nothing in terms of morals to the older generation. They further claim that the old generation need to get astute thoughts from them, which to Victor undermines the role of civic education (Forment 454). Victor argues that gone are the days when a person took concern of the greater humanity, other than the individualistic nature. He advocates for a kind of†citizenship†education where one is guided by the values and not obligated by attachments. Victor further proposes that the American system of education should embrace the idea of â€Å"citizenship,† which will cultivate an individual guided by rights and the broader humanity. This, to Victor can bring up students who are responsible and guided by morals (Nelles 265). Through this, teachers will be able to correct students who mess up and also enabl e students to learn the values, which will promote civic education in the primary schools. On the other end, this will not be fruitful in implementing, especially when the teachers and parents fail to lead as examples to the kids. in addition, teachers may lack the moral and intellectual authority and end up behaving like their learners in their behavior (Nelles 266). The idea of the â€Å"citizenship,† also promotes teamwork especially in sports. This teamwork enhances

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Comparimg Rigidising Methods Using Reenforced Material Literature review

Comparimg Rigidising Methods Using Reenforced Material - Literature review Example Glass fibers are more effective in achieving shear strengthening. Various methods can be used in the reinforcement of polymers using carbon or glass fibers. Some of the methods include curing pressure increase and filler incorporation and vacuum infusion. This paper outlines a comparison among the various rigidising methods using reinforced material to increase the general strength of the materials. The electrical conductivity of the materials has also been analyzed [8]. Curing pressure increase and filler incorporation This ridigising method enhances the through-thickness thermal conductivity of carbon fiber polymer-matrix. This method is used to increase heat dissipation by enhancing the low through-thickness thermal conductivity of carbon fiber polymers. The conductivity is normally raised by 60 percent by enhancing the curing pressure from 0.1 to 2.0 MPa and almost by 35 percent by incorporation of a filler. This was reported in an experiment conducted at Composite Materials Rese arch Laboratory in the University of Buffalo [4]. The experiments were conducted to determine the effect of curing pressure and filler incorporation on the mechanical and conductivity properties on a material. The mechanical test was conducted on a 15-lamina crossply composite plate under flexure using a hydraulic mechanical testing procedure. The thermal resistivity (m2 K/W) and the thermal resistant (K/W) were used to report the increase in thermal conductivity of the resultant material after this treatment. The thermal resistivity increased after a raise of the curing pressure from 0.1 to 2 MPa. This resistivity further increased after the filler incorporation [4]. This implies that the thermal conductivity of the material increased after subjecting the material to the two treatments. It was also noted that increasing curing pressure increases the through-thickness thermal conductivity more that the filler incorporation. The experiment revealed that the optimum through-thickness thermal conductivity achieved through the process was 1.5 W/m K. The highest ever recorded value for this form of rigidness enhancement technique is 3.3 W/m K. this does not imply that the process is ineffective or inconsistent. The difference could have aroused due to the process prepreg. The material resistivity and intralaminar fiber-fiber interfacial resistivity are lowered by close to 56 Percent by enhancing the curing pressure and by around 36 percent though the filler incorporation [4]. This further proves that curing pressure increase is more useful in increasing thermal conductivity compared to filler incorporation. Vacuum infusion Vacuum infusion of vinyl ester resin into biaxial knitted glass and carbon fiber complexes enhances the strengths of the materials under tensile and indentation forces. The carbon fiber complexes after this vacuum infusion are mechanically stronger when subjected to loading pressures [7]. The strengths of the carbon fiber material can be proved b y carrying out various tests including tensile strength test, compression strength test, open hole tensile (OHT) strength test and Open hole compression (OHC) strength test. An experiment conducted at the department of mechanical engineering in Lehigh University proved that in deed the mechanical properties of carbon fiber complexes is enhanced through vacuum infusion using vinyl ester resins. In the experiment, the tensile strength

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Psychology College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Psychology College - Essay Example The basic purpose of this paper was to simulate a situation where one had to deal with finding a solution to a problem without having certain cognitive brain functions at our disposal. Before moving on to the actual crux of the paper, I would like to mention a few salient points which will enable the reader to better understand my sentiments in regards to brain damage and neuropsychological problems. The reason why I have such strong sentiments in this case is due to the fact that one of my cousins's suffered the same fate. At the age of 9, he was involved in a traumatic accident during which he sustained injuries to the head and brain. Although the doctors were able to save his life, he lost sight in his left eye, arm and legs. His brain functions were also permanently impaired. Before the accident, he was a bright boy with much promise of the future but the accident nearly destroyed him completely. It took him years of recovery to get to where he is now. Presently, he has adapted so well to his condition that he has completed high school, went on to complete a degree at his local community college and eventually ended up working as an animator. His dream is design an animated cartoon such as Shrek. The above paragraph will define the main crux of my paper for you. My belief is that no matter how badly impaired one might be the use of proper therapy and sheer will power can hel p you to adapt to your impairment. In order to properly simulate the required situation, I had briefed my friend, Jessica, two days prior to our engagement so that she would be better prepared for the task at hand. Consequently, we locked ourselves in my room and accordingly, I had her write something down on a piece of paper which she then duly placed in her pocket and away from my prying eyes. Now the fact of the matter is that I've known Jessica since we were in pre-school so I was confident that I would be able to guess what she'd written. However, since we could not communicate in anyway posed quite a lot of problems which will be duly mentioned as this paper continues. At first, Jessica made no attempt to help in anyway. Therefore, for the first 20 minutes I just sat there wondering what I had gotten myself into. My decision of providing Jessica with every detail of my project was turning out to be a bad one because she would try her hardest to beat me at it. However, I've always been stubborn and therefore I was not about to give up that easily. I knew without doubt that I would have to adopt a methodical approach towards finding a solution to the problem that lay before me and that was what I did. Before we had begun the exercise, Jessica and I had agreed upon a basic method of using a modified version of charades. Consequently, I started by pointing towards different things in the room and picking them up. On some objects she would nod while on others she would just shake her head. Now it was my task to firstly figure out what sort of system she had conjured up in her mind and then to decode it in order to use it. I started off by writing down all the letters in the name of the object e.g. cushion, chair, pen etc. Now what I needed to figure out was which letters to use and which not to and in which order as well. One other possibility was also whether she had chosen a number

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Macbook Pro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Macbook Pro - Essay Example Flash is the most fastest and reliable storage technology and it provides the capability and the much needed power to the different models, particularly the compact 13-inch and the super slim 15-inch models. Users can rely on the flash architecture since it is reliable, durable and battery efficient. Those who love games, Mac book pro has the latest Intel processors and next generation graphics which are built for speed and clear vision. With the Mac book pro, individuals can be able to easily find, share and organize their own personal information (Miser, 2012). Regulations and policies for the Mac book pro range can be categorized into legislation, company and government. The company that manufactures the Mac book pro computers, Apple (Linzmayer, 2004), has its own rules and regulation are to be agreed on by those in need of using the product. Personal information of any person purchasing the Mac book pro is collected as it helps identify the buyer, or contact the owner in case of an issue. Personal information collected includes; ‘name’, ‘mailing addresses, ‘phone number’, ‘email addresses, and ‘credit card information’ (Miser, 2012). In America, the social security number may be collected, but this can be in the case where one is setting up a wireless account (Miser, 2012). Government policies and legislations have standards that are set and they regulate the manufacturing of the Mac book pros’, distribution, marketing and the use of the Mac book pro. Different countries have diff erent regulations for the use and distribution of the Mac book pro. Importation and exportation is regulated and there is certain authority that the government is granted in order to regulate such. There is no specific age group who are allowed to use the Mac book pro, though there are specific acts and rules to regulate and monitor its use (Miser, 2012). The Mac book pro consists of various models, with some having a tapered design which has a

Monday, July 22, 2019

Communication and conflict Essay Example for Free

Communication and conflict Essay Communication is important, as it is the medium of conveying message, forming the first interface in method of conflict resolution. Communication is almost always within the context of culture, and culture determines the significance of words as well as gestures and non-verbal expressions, affording people with choices of high context or low context communication, depending upon their cultural maturity and ability to handle multi-culturalism and accommodate a range of opinions and ideas other than those familiar to them (Grosse, 2002). During the initial phase of cultural familiarity, communication takes place at low context, meaning that people rely more on direct verbal communication, which is more or less literal in nature. As the cultural relationship progresses, communication interaction moves ahead on continuum to become high context, and it becomes more interpersonal and contextual, minimizing chances of misunderstanding and confusion. However, in cases where the entire cultural paradigms are set in low context or high context communication patterns, cultural crossover becomes a difficult barrier for all the involved parties. Effective cross cultural communication is centered upon knowledge, empathy and intercultural sensitivity (ibid). The correct approach in such cases is be flexible, adaptable and receptive to all views, no matter how contrary or incongruous they appear. A successful cross cultural communication situation demands coming over these contradictions and differences in opinion to form a harmonious vision. A positive and patient listening attitude is also valuable as it allows people to fathom emotions of others and makes them perceptible to alternate view points. Finally, the most important attribute in cross cultural communication is recognition that every culture is correct in its own context and each has to yield some ground to reach a harmonious consensus (ibid). Discussion on mediation and skills in conflict resolution Effective communication strategies are keys to resolve conflict by providing channels that provide expression of grievances and bring conflicting parties together. In the field of conflict management, communication strategies help through the channels of 1. Negotiation: Negotiation has emerged as an important form of conflict management within organizational and social setups. As such research in communication theory in conflict management has started to pay close attention to communication behaviors, types and strategies towards successful negotiation. Negotiation, as a part of managing conflict, requires interested parties to trade proposals for settlement that include, out of court settlements, business contracts, collective bargaining contract etc (Womack, 1990, 32). As Womack further elaborates, generally the process of negotiation proceeds through motives that are both competitive and cooperative. The approach of communication in the entire process of negotiation is concerned with the messages that are transferred among negotiators and the concerned parties. Communication intervenes in the process of negotiation through its both verbal and nonverbal forms and constitutes the entire base on which the goals and terms of the bargain are negotiated. Communication plays the central role in not only developing the relationship among the parties in conflict, but also in determining its direction. It is also central in every form of bargaining process, whether the bargaining is done for organizational form of conflict management, involves conflict resolution, negotiation on legal agreements or for negotiation in inter-group an intra group conflict. The entire role of communication in negotiation processes and strategies is quite vast and it ranges from defining the conflict issues, selection and implementation of strategies to presenting and defending the viable alternatives and finally helping in reaching on a solution (Womack, 1990, 35). 2. Third party intervention: Third party intervention in conflict situation is a tricky and challenging situation. It is considered as one of those areas that offers real test to the communication skills of the intervening person. Although mediation requires a neutral and third party to bring the disputants on the resolving chairs and solve the conflict, the mediator per se, has no authority and commanding power to force the parties into acquiescing to an agreement. At the best, the mediator can use persuasive and convincing dialogues through which the involved parties voluntarily agree to reach at accord through advises, admonishments, ideas, and views of the mediator and break into meaningful dialogue with each other (Burrel, 1990, 54). Its easy to see that this entire procedure requires very high level of communication skills on the part of the mediator to successfully negotiate agreement among the conflicting parties. According to Burrel, one of the important communication skills in third party intervention is the ability to collect as much information as possible on the cause, background, and nature of conflict as well as on all the parties and individuals that are involved in the conflict. Burrel informs that an effective communication strategy to gather information is question-asking within a variety of communication approaches, some for example being, employment interviews, initial interactions and parent-child discourses, although there has been insignificant research on role of particular types of questions in mediation itself. However, it is established beyond question that the questioning abilities of a third party mediator are very important in striking a collaborative approach to the entire process of conflict management.

Through the Eyes of the Blind in Cathedral by Raymond Carver Essay Example for Free

Through the Eyes of the Blind in Cathedral by Raymond Carver Essay Through the Eyes of the Blind in Cathedral by Raymond Carver You can never seem to know whats going on in another ones life, unless you put your feet in there shoes, so to judge, is simply ignorance. Raymond Carvers Cathedral is a story about how the narrator is uncomfortable with having his wifes blind friend, Robert, over. Roger has lost his wife, and to cope with her death, he planned to visit the narrators wife. Without any knowledge whatsoever on how to act in accompany towards a blind man, the narrator seems to get a glimpse of what it is to truly fit into the blind mans shoe. The narrator starts his story very unenthusiastic about Rogers visit. He based his ideas mainly from movies he remembered watching, In the movies, the blind [moves] slowly and never [laughs]. Sometimes they [are] led by seeing-eye dogs. (209). With these ideas, it made it clear on how unaware he was towards blind people. It seemed as though he believed that blind people didnt have much to do with their lives. He felt sorry for Robert, and basically pitied Roberts wife. The Narrator comments, Imagine a woman who could never see herself as she was seen in the eyes of her loved one. A woman who could go on day after day and never receive the smallest compliment from her beloved. A woman whose husband could never read the expression on her face, be it misery or something better. (213). These were such shallow words to say to someone you have never even met yet, face to face. How can he forget that these were two people who fell in love with each other for who they are, for better or for worse. Beauty is only skin deep. The narrator then anxiously awaits the arrival of Robert as he sips back his drink and watches television. They meet on a high note as the narrators wife introduces the both of them to each other. As they find there selves having small talk, the narrators wife seems to find herself being e mbarrassed as the narrator asks Robert, Which side of the train did you sit on, by the way? The wife then angrily responded What a question, which side! Whats it matter which side as if she werent sure that her husband was mature enough to handle company who supposedly is blind (215). As the night fled by Robert and the narrators wife caught up on old times. Time passed and the narrators wife had left the room, getting ready for bed. The narrator seemed to feel uncomfortable as he was left alone with Robert. He then offered another drink, and also offered to smoke some dope, and Robert accepted the offer. I guess this was the narrators way to lighten up the air, for the narrator to sort of loosen up. His wife comes back, and they all participate in having a little smoke session. The narrators wife ends up falling asleep and Robert suggests staying up late with the narrator. With the television on, the narrator chitchats with Robert. Theyre showing the outside of this cathedral now, as he explains to Robert what cant be heard on television (223). As the television was airing this cathedral, the narrator wondered whether Robert actually knew what a cathedral really is. The narrator asks him and finds out that he only knows what he has just been informed through the television. Robert tries desperately to describe what a cathedral really is, To begin with, theyre very tall, he says, and then continuing on with as though his life was dependent on this (224). It seems as though the narrator wanted to give Robert a vision, he wanted to put Robert in his shoes for a change. The narrator then seemed to realize how bad he was doing, Im not doing so good, am I? he tells Robert as if to see whether or not he really wasnt doing too good of a job or what (225). Robert urges him on, and he continued with which seemed to be a great amount of effort. Robert then suggests a different approach. He gets the narrator to draw the cathedral on a construction paper like shopping bag. Robert follows through the motions of the narrator and seemingly tries to make out the cathedral. The narrator gets all into it and tries hard to draw a picture that will give at least a hint of what a cathedral is like. The narrator finishes up the drawing and Robert suggests that the narrator closes his eyes and continue to draw. The narrator agrees as if to try to see if he could be able to still draw the cathedral with his eyes shut. I think you got it, take a look. What do you think? Robert asked (228). But the narrator decided not to open his eyes, for I believe he has just seen how remarkable it is to be blind. In conclusion I believe the narrator went through a life learning experience. He was afraid of the unfamiliar. He judged another being that he had never even met. He then got to be familiar with the unfamiliar. He then made a friend. I believe this story took the reader through the narrators eyes, the eyes of the blind.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Aristotles Theory of the Ideal State

Aristotles Theory of the Ideal State ARISTOTLE AND HIS IDEAL STATE   (384 BC 322 BC) NAME : SHAMIKA S. TAMHANE Aristotle is one such unique philosopher, who has made contributions to innumerable fields like that of physics, biology, mathematics, metaphysics, medicines, theatre, dance and of course politics. Aristotle is known as ‘Father of Political Science’. ‘Polis’ is ‘city-state’ in Greek. From this, he coined term ‘Politics’. He is one of the most celebrated political thinkers as he was the first philosopher who detached philosophy from political science and carved out the latter as an independent discipline. He introduced a systematic study of politics and stated that politics may be devoid of ethics. Aristotle was born in 384 BC in the Greek town of Stagira. His father, Nicomachus was a physician in the court of Macedonia. Both his parents are known to have died when Aristotle was young. At the age of 17, Aristotle’s sister’s husband, who was his guardian, sent him to Athens for higher education in Plato’s academy. Aristotle proved to be an exemplary scholar and was a close disciple of Plato. Plato died in 347 BC. However, despite being one of the closest disciples of Plato, Aristotle did not become the head of the academy as he had some major differences with respect to Plato’s theory. Aristotle stayed in the academy for about 2 decades. After a few years of Plato’s death, he left Athens and returned to Macedonia in 338 BC. There he taught Alexander the Great and the Macedonia court rewarded him generously for his services. In 335 BC, Alexander succeeded his father, Phillip II and conquered Athens. Aristotle too returned to Athens and started h is own academy called the Lyceum. Aristotle spent most of his time writing, researching and teaching at his academy. In 323 BC, Alexander died and the people of Athens revolted against the Macedonian rule. Being Alexander’s teacher and having had connections with the ruling family of Macedonia, posed a threat to his life in Athens where anti-Macedonian sentiment was at its peak. In order to save himself from prosecution, Aristotle left Athens and went to Chalcis on the island of Euboea. Aristotle breathed his last there in 322 BC. Aristotle experienced a lot of ups and downs in the political spectrum throughout his life like the fall of Sparta, the rise as well as the fall of Alexander the Great etc. All these happenings around him have affected him and it can be reflected in all his writings INTRODUCTION POPULATION AND TERRITORY As said in the introduction the first material or ingredient to form a perfect or an ideal state is population. The legislator has the power to determine the number and character of citizens and thus, the size and character of the country. According to Aristotle, â€Å"Most persons think that a state in order to be happy ought to be large; but even if they are right, they have no idea what is a large and what a small state. For they judge of the size of the city by the number of the inhabitants; whereas they ought to regard not their number, but their power.† (1) Hence, Aristotle was clearly of the opinion that the quality of the people which constitute the state matters, rather than their quantity. Thus, more than the physical size of the population, its character is important. Aristotle justifies this by giving the example of Hippocrates who was a great physician that he was great because of the quality of the work he did and is definitely greater than a man who is just phys ically taller than him. Also, even if we are to reckon the greatness of a state by the number of inhabitants, not everybody can be included in it, like the slaves and foreigners. Only the members of the state are to be included who form an essential part of it. A very populated state cannot be well governed, as it is difficult to maintain law and order. According to Aristotle , there is a limit to the size of the state just as there is a limit to the size of other things like plants and animals as if any of these are too small or large, they either completely lose their nature or get spoiled. Here he cites an example of a ship. A ship, if only a span long, cannot be a ship at all and the one which is a quarter mile long will still be a ship, but will be bad for sailing. Similarly, if a state is too small, it won’t be self-sufficient but if it is too big it would be incapable of having a government that is constitutional. Also, in an over-populated state, it is difficult to id entify foreigners who may take advantage of this situation and try and acquire the rights of the citizens. Hence, clearly the largest population should be the one which suffices for the purposes of life. The territory of the state should be all-producing, so that the state has all things to be in need of nothing, which is called sufficiency. It should enable the residents to live liberally so that they can enjoy leisure. The country should be suitable for receiving fruits and timber and also other products. The city should be situated in regard both to sea and land, so that it is protected on both the sides. Also, import and export can be facilitated through water transport. Aristotle has a very distinct manner of describing the character of the people of various parts of the world. According to him, people who live in regions with cold climate and in Europe are hard-working but lack intelligence and skill. This is the reason they have the opportunity to enjoy freedom but they have no political organization. On the other hand, the natives of Asia are intelligent but they lack spirit, hence they are always under some foreign rule and are constantly subjugated. However, according to Aristotle, the best is the Hellenic race which is situated between the two regions and has the best of both the regions, i.e. the spirit of the Europeans and the intelligence of the Asians. So this race is free from any foreign rule and is also well-governed. Aristotle states certain other things which an ideal state must have, such as food, arts, arms etc. It should have a good amount of revenue so that it can take care of its internal needs as well as protect itself from any external aggression. The state should also take care of the religion of the people so that they can practice their respective religion fearlessly. The last and the most important thing is that the authority in the state must have the power to decide what is good and in favor of the public. All these above mentioned things are necessarily to be provided for by the state administration as the state is not a mere aggregate of people but their union, who have come together to fulfill a common purpose of ‘well-being’. If any one of the above listed things is lacking in any particular state, then a state cannot be called absolutely self-sufficient. Then it is necessary to frame the structure of the state in such a manner that all the above functions are fulfi lled. For example, a state should have farmers to produce food, artists and artisans to promote art, soldiers to protect the boundaries of the state, the priests to carry out religious practices etc. Thus, it can be observed that Aristotle does not undermine the role of any person in formation of an ideal state and specifies the role that each citizen can play, for the sake of ‘good life’. Aristotle also states the ideal location of the state. In order to ensure good health of its citizens, a state should lie towards the east. States which are covered by the north wind have milder winter which is again, healthier. Hence, the state should be located such that it favors convenient administration as well, in situations of war. There should be abundant springs and fountains in the state and if there is a scarcity of the same, there should be reservoirs which can store water and provide for its citizens in a state of crisis. Aristotle lays great emphasis on providing pure water to the citizens of the state. According to him, of the five elements of nature, the ones which are responsible to keep a person healthy are water and air. He says that the arrangement of houses in the city should be irregular in some parts of the city, because if all the houses are laid systematically in a straight line and in a particular pattern, it would be easy for strangers to find their way thr ough every part of the town, which should not be the case. Hence, some parts should be systematic while some irregular and thus a balance between security and beauty of the state should be well maintained. HOUSEHOLDS, PROPERTY AND SLAVERY IN THE IDEAL STATE According to Aristotle, family is the most important and the primary social unit of the society. It is the first institution of society which trains a child in citizenship. Aristotle connects citizenship to a household because it teaches a person division of labor (economic, social and others) and gives him a sense of understanding of his responsibility towards his family as well as towards the society and the state. A family gives an individual, training for a civilized life. The household takes care of the basic requirements of an individual; be it materialistic, social, emotional or physical need of the person. Thus, a man who lives in a well-managed household has a sense of fulfillment and content will contribute to the good of the society and in turn, the state. Family, thus, is essential for the moral growth and development of an individual. A state is made up of many households and thus it is important for Aristotle, to study the arrangement of a household in an ideal state. A household is incomplete without slaves, opines Aristotle. There are three relations in a family which are important, that are, that of a husband and wife, the relation of a father and children and thirdly, that of master and slave. The man, husband and the father, rules over both his wife and children respectively, although the manner differs. The man is fitter by nature than the woman hence, the inequality in this relationship never ceases to exist. However, the father rules over his children in a royal and not in a constitutional manner as he does over his wife. With his children, there is a relation of both love and respect. With respect to the third relation, i.e. of master and slave, Aristotle says, â€Å"The master is only the master of the slave; he does not belong to him, whereas the slave is not only the slave of his master, but wholly b elongs to him.† (2). Thus, a slave by nature is a possession of his master, in spite of being a human being. Slaves are a part of property of the individual. Aristotle attaches a lot of important to possession of property because according to him, without property, one cannot cultivate values and virtues such as generosity, hospitality, giving alms to the poor and the needy, etc. Property is essential to have a good household. Private property is a source of pleasure as mostly men love money. It is an integral aspect of social economy. Lastly, he opines that possession of private property by individuals is in favor of the state as when people own property; they would not be worried for their subsistence and thus, can actively participate in the political process of the state. When there would be slaves in the house, the master will have a lot of leisure time and according to Aristotle, he who has leisure time can be involved in the formation of an ideal state. He says, â€Å" †¦those who are in a position which places them above toil have stewards who attend to their households, while they occupy themselves with philosophy or with politics.† (3) Slavery is justified by Aristotle on two grounds. Firstly, on natural grounds; he says that some people are born without any faculties. However, they have the physical ability to work. This cannot be blamed on human beings as nature has created some people with lesser mental abilities. It is nature which has created men unequal. Nature has differentiated in the bodies of masters and slaves, making one physically strong and the other, although physically weak, but suitable for political life. He says, slaves have no virtues as they do not own property and hence they are not fit to be citizens of the state. Thus, according to Aristotle, some people are born to be slaves. He compares slaves to tamed animals and says that both cater to their needs with the help of their bodies. Secondly, as said before, sl aves are an essential ‘instrument’ of a household. They symbolize prosperity of a particular family. Thus, Aristotle concludes by saying, â€Å"Thus it is clear that household management attends more to men than to the acquisition of inanimate things, and to human excellence more than to the excellence of property which we call wealth, and to the virtue of freemen more than to the virtue of slaves.† (4) He says that slave lacks any sort of deliberative faculty, a woman does have some but she has no authority and also the child has, but it’s not mature enough to harness them. CITIZENSHIP IN THE IDEAL STATE The criteria for citizenship in different forms of governments vary according to their nature. For example, a person who can be a citizen in a democratic setup may not be eligible to be a citizen of an oligarchy. However, here, it is better to consider and talk about the citizens of a democratic state, because this is the system in which citizens are acknowledged the most than in any other system of governance. According to Aristotle, the citizenship of a person of a particular state is not determined by his mere residence in that state, because a slave or a foreigner too are residents of the same state, but this does not give them the right of citizenship, for there are other criteria to determine the same. Also, the legal status of a person cannot be the criterion because even a foreigner can acquire a right to sue a resident of that state or can be sued by a resident, merely under some provisions of a treaty. Hence, just being under the jurisdiction of any particular state, according to Aristotle, cannot make one a citizen of that state. A person who is exiled from the state will cease to be a citizen of the state. A person, who has the authority to participate in the judicial administration of the state, is termed as a citizen of that state. He should be able to take part in the process of administration of justice and legislation as a member of the deliberative assembly which can enabl e him to be a citizen. Hence, it can be observed that all those people who are permitted to take part in the political process of that state, for example, casting a vote or contesting elections, and all those who are eligible to be the members of the executive or the legislative branch of the government can be termed as citizens. With respect to who ‘ought’ to be citizens, Aristotle opines that all those who are trained and are capable of becoming either the ruler or the ruled, ought to be citizens. Further, he says that all those people who have property and leisure can be citizens as a person devoid of possession of any property, does not need any security from the state. Thus he would not be interested in the affairs of the state, so he would not bother to work for the betterment of the state. Also, a person who does not have property lacks experience in management skills as he is not accustomed to managing any kind of property. Such a person, according to Aristotle, cannot be expected to actively participate in the political affairs of the state and thus, in turn cannot ‘manage’ the state. However, despite all these criteria, practically a citizen is one whose both parents have been citizens. Some say, two or more ancestors. This is the shortest and the most practical definition, but some raise an objection to this questioning, how their ancestors became citizens. But it can be said, if their ancestors participated in the governmental process, that had to be citizens. It is also difficult to determine those who become citizens after a revolution. Here, the doubt is not about who is a citizen, but it is about who ought to be a citizen. As it was mentioned previously, a citizen of a particular government might not be eligible to be a citizen of some other form of government. It is said that the one who has never learned to obey, can never be a good commander. Both are different, but a good citizen should have the capacity of both-he should be aware of governing like a free man and should know obedience like a free man. These are virtues of a good citizen. The next point in citizenship of ideal state is that whether a good man and a good citizen are the same. This is explained by Aristotle by citing the example of a sailor. Sailors perform different functions like those of rowers, pilots, look-out men etc. Because they all have different functions, their virtues too differ. However, they all are described by one common definition, because they all have the same goal of safety in navigation. Aristotle compares sailors to citizens. Just like the former, citizens too differ from one another, but ‘salvation of the community’ (5) is their common aspiration. In numerous forms of governments, no single virtue is a perfect virtue of a good citizen. But it is assumed that good man is one with a single perfect virtue. Thus, a good man may not necessarily be a good citizen and vice versa. The next point in citizenship is that can mechanics be termed as citizens. Aristotle admits that not all those who are necessary for the functioning of the ideal state can be deemed as citizens of that state. For example, children cannot be termed as citizens of the state even though they are an integral part of the state as they do not participate in any political process. Under some governments, mechanics and laborers will not be citizens while under other, they might be included. Aristotle opines that the best form of government will not accept mechanics, laborers who he names as servants of the community, as they do not hold virtues of good citizens.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Classification of Workers :: Classification Essays

Money is the foremost incentive why infinite people work around the world. There are unequal classifications of jobs that contain more physical labor or deskwork. Some work as rescuers, businessmen, consultants, a student, doctors, or even garbage men. No matter where an individual works, they will always encounter three types of workers: Hard-Workers, Slackers, and Mediocres. The Hardworking people have several superb characteristics. These types of people usually goes to work on time or maybe even five or ten minutes early to see what needs to be accomplished. During the day, it rarely happens that they have to be advised to do something twice. When they clean rooms or set-up computers, they do it to the best of their ability and recheck everything to make certain it’s working properly. In addition, they tend to get things done on time and not one second late. Overall, Hardworking people are very responsible and reliable in a working environment. Slackers are much different than Hardworking people. They come to work five to ten minutes late without an excuse. They tend to work hard for the first three or four weeks of the job, but once they observe how the system works, their useless. Slackers hardly work from the time scheduled to the time finished. In addition, they do more viewing and squatting, then moving around and assisting others with equipment. They have to be informed when, where, and why they have to do it. The quality of the job is usually sloppy and doesn’t get accomplished on time. Lastly, their very unreliable people that don’t care about work, but need the money. Lastly, a Mediocre person has several characteristics as slackers, but somewhat better and more useful. Mediocre people on occasion cruise to work early or late, depends on how well their day went. Mediocre people can be Hardworker’s or Slacker’s depending on whether or not the boss is there. On occasion, they have to be told twice when to do something because they’re sometimes irresponsible. They work when they want and when they don’t, they won’t. They know when to stop Slacking and start working. They only do work that need to get accomplish. If they don’t have to do it, then they will lay it off for another person. The quality of work depends upon their mood and whom they associate with. Lastly, Mediocre people can be either reliable or unreliable/ It would be difficult trying to locate many hard working people around the world.

Political Correctness or Freedom of Speech -- Freedom of Speech

The term political correctness (PC) has infringed on our freedom of speech by assuming that the populace is too ignorant to realize what appropriate speech is. This term is now as common in our society as the term, ‘freedom of speech’. It is incomprehensible how these two words have had such an effect on the manner in which our society communicates. The trend casts a negative view on our society by letting political views determine what is appropriate in our social sector. Political correctness, as applied in today’s society, seeks to control freedom of speech and poses a true danger to a free society. The First Amendment’s focus is the protection of our right to express our thoughts through speech, whether written or verbal. By PC’s intrinsic infringement on these rights, it has become a subtle tool used for dismantling freedom of speech and manipulating the flow of information to the masses. The similarities between political correctness and Marxism are nearly endless. Marxism bred political correctness; therefore, its roots lie in a version of Marxist ideology, derived from the Frankfurt School, which sees culture, rather than the economy, as the site of class struggle. Marxist social theory projects the importance of mass culture and communication in social reproduction and domination. The Marxist theory attacks free speech and the demand for diversity and tolerance over everything except individuals and ideologies deemed ‘intolerant.’ This theory is the beginning of the process of transforming a free nation into a Marxist state. When this theory is presented in a subtle manner, it accomplishes its goal. Although it is often the subject of humor, the political correctness’s of Marxist roots impose societal control and denial... ...rrectness: For and Against. Lanham, Univ Pr of Amer. 1995. Print. Kellner, Douglas Critical Theory, Marxism, and Modernity. Cambridge and Baltimore: Polity and John Hopkins University Press. 1989 Print. Heston, Charlton, Winning the Cultural War Speech delivered 16 February 1999, Austin Hall, Harvard Law School Levine, Lawrence W. The Opening of the American Mind: Canons, Culture, and History Beacon Press; 1st ed. 1997 ---Media Culture. Cultural Studies, Identity, and Politics Between the Modern and the Postmodern. London and New York: Routledge; 1995 Mirkinson, Jack . â€Å"Juan Williams: Muslims On Planes Make Me ‘Nervous’† The Huffington Report on the web 21 Oct. 2010. 07 Dec 2010 williams-muslims-nervous_n_768719.html Wheatland, Thomas. The Frankfurt school in exile. Univ of Minnesota Pr, 2009. Print.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Wonder Woman: A Symbol of the Feminist Movement Essay -- Wonder Woman,

"William Marston was an unusual man—a psychologist, a soft-porn pulp novelist, more than a bit of a carny, and the (self-declared) inventor of the lie detector. He was also the creator of Wonder Woman, the comic that he used to express two of his greatest passions: feminism and women in bondage."(Berlatsky, 2015) For over 60 years, Wonder Woman has filled the pages of her magazine with adventures ranging from battling Nazis, to declawing human-like Cheetahs. Her exploits thrilled and inspired many young girls, including Gloria Steinem. Through all of this, she has had to pilot her invisible jet through territories that her male counterparts have never had to. She is constantly pulled in two directions; her stories must be entertaining and non threatening to the male status quo, while simultaneously furthering her as the original symbol of 'Girl Power.' She is praised for being an icon of strength to women everywhere, but chastised for wearing a skimpy costume and tying men up, as if she were no more than a male fantasy. No comic book character has had to endure as much scrutiny as Wonder Woman. That's because Wonder Woman represents an entire gender, at a time of important social flux. Although she was created by a man to influence a male audience, Wonder Woman has evolved into an important symbol of the feminist movement. An Amazon is born Shortly after Superman made his appearance in 1939, a noted psychologist by the name of William Moulton Marston wrote an article in Family Circle magazine, praising comic books. According to Les Daniels in Wonder Woman: The Complete History (Chronicle Books, 2000, pp. 22-24), his article caught the eye of M.C. Gains of DC Comics. Gains was so impressed by the article, he hired Marston into a new position at DC Comics. Within a year, at the urging of his wife, Marston set out to create a female superhero. By February 1941, Marston handed in his first script for ‘Suprema: The Wonder Woman.’ (We owe a debt of thanks to whoever dropped the Suprema.) Marston created a unique heroine, based loosely on Greek Mythology. Diana was the Princess of Paradise Island, a mystical place inhabited by Amazons. Her mother, Hippolyte (sometimes referred to as Hippolyta), Queen of the Amazons, wanted a child and petitioned the Goddesses of Olympus to give her one. She was instructed to sculp t a child from clay. When she was done, the... ... nurturing. All the while balancing family issues and fighting against stereotypes. As her comic book moves ahead, Wonder Woman will continue to tackle issues relating to every woman, and even, every human. Works Cited: Berlatsky, Noah. Wonder Woman: Bondage and Feminism in the Marston/Peter Comics, 1941-1948. January 2015. Print. Daniels, Les. Wonder Woman: The Complete History. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2001. Edgar, Joanna â€Å"Wonder Woman Revisited†: Ms. Warner Communications: (July 1972) 28-29 Jimenez, Phil. Wonder Woman #172. (Second Series) DC Comics: (August 2001) Kanigher, Robert. Sensation Comics #97. DC Comics: (May-June 1950) Kanigher, Robert. Wonder Woman #204. DC Comics: (January-February 1973) Marston, William Moulten. Wonder Woman Archives, Vol. One. New York: DC Comics 1998, 8-16 â€Å"The New, Original Wonder Woman† Wonder Woman, ABC: November 7, 1975 O’Neil, Dennis. Wonder Woman #177. DC Comics: (July-August 1968) Perez, George. Wonder Woman #1 (Second Series) DC Comics: (February 1987) Thomas, Roy. Wonder Woman #288 DC Comics: (February 1982) Wolfman, Marv. Crisis On Infinite Earths #12 DC Comics: (December 1986)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Health Disparities in New Zealand from a Marxist Perspective Essay

In New Zealand society there many are people who encounter with Health disabilities and issues that do not only impact their wellbeing but also their lives. However the majority of them cannot control their Health situation due to their lifestyle, in addition to this problem the distribution of Health services contribute to the creation of ‘Health Disparities’. In this essay I will classify Heath Disparities in New Zealand from a Marxist perspective, where it will become visible that Health inequality within our country lies in the structure of society. However our society is constructed through social stratification which is the process where people are classed in the hierarchical system; based on superiority and subordination (Llewellyn, A. , Agu, L. , & Mercer, D. 2008). This technique of classing society contributes to why inequalities exist today. I will focus on how Marxist’s perspective integrates the structure of capitalism and social class in society where it influences Health in New Zealand. Inequalities within health are distinguished between different population groups, where there is variance in a group’s health or health care (Reid & Robson, 2006). This is caused by gender, ethnicity, age, environment and economic status (Howden- Chowden, 2005). Health disparities in New Zealand conflict with the structure of society, however it is logical that in order to have an impact on society we must hold power (Dew & Kirkman, 2007). This brings us to the Marxist perspective where Karl Marx (1818-1883) focused his research on the development of capitalists (Cree, 2010). The rise of capitalism originated from the modes of production, which relates to the way society organises production of material and also enables surplus value to become generated (McLennan, McManus & Spoonly, 2010). Capitalism within New Zealand is based on the operation of production allowing the continuation of profit to increase for owners; however this means superiority constructs society in a manner where it will benefit them while alienating other classes (Dew & Kirkman, 2007). Marxist’s main focus of capitalism is class structure where the process of social stratification comes into place. An individual’s status in the class structure is measured through their socio-economic status, this can also be calculated by the amount of power they have in society (Llewellyn, Agu & Mercer, 2008). Through the Marxist theory we come to an understanding of the development of low income that workers earn through production. The functions of capitalism and class structure identifies that individuals whom receive low income, is impacted in every domain of their lives this includes health. Health inequalities are strongly influenced by socio-economic differences which expose’s factors such as income, housing, diet and occupational toxin as high impacts on a person’s health. Through the Marxist perspective we understand that capitalism’s main focus is based within the growth of profit, however the power that capitalist’s (known as owners of production) hold influences the health of their workers. Capitalists have control over wages; work hours and the environment of workers (Newman, 2008) they also go to the extent of exploitation and alienation in order for their profits to increase (McLennan, McManus & Spoonly, 2010). Workers face the effects of class consciousness (McLennan, McManus & Spoonly, 2010) they become competitive and are blinded from realizing that they are being over worked and at the same time under paid. Proletariats become vulnerable to ill health through poor working conditions and also lack of freedom (Howden- Chowden, 2005). For example lack of freedom in their work environment can lead proletariats to stress and fatigue illnesses. Health disabilities such as chronic illness, toxic appearance in an individual’s immune system and also serious accidents are caused from poor working conditions (Howden- Chowden, 2005). Capital is known to be a factor that contributes to human misery and alienation, which leads to health disabilities. Health Disparities within our society varies throughout the different levels of class. The class structure consists of two main levels which are Bourgeoisie; the highest class that contains capitalists and individuals who hold power. The Proletariat class is for workers in production, and who have no power (Joseph, 2006). Health services within New Zealand are distributed unevenly where it benefits the wealthy (Bourgeoisie) and excludes others such as the Proletariats (Dew & Kirkman, 2007). Although health services in our society are available for everyone’s use, it is imbalanced within the quality. For example individuals in the upper class have access to higher quality services, such as private insurance and specialists (Dew & Kirkman, 2007). However through research it has become more apparent that workers have the highest exposure to ill health (Howden- Chowden, 2005) this means they need this service more than others but it is not affordable. The gradients of avoidable and unavoidable death rates are very different; Proletariats have high rates within avoidable deaths, this means that the majority of deaths could have been avoided through medical consultation. As for the Bourgeoisie class it is at high rates of unavoidable deaths, although they’ve received quality treatment it cannot be cured (Dew & Kirkman, 2007). Inequalities within social class have different influences on an individual’s health, in particularly the quality of health provided for each class level. Through the development of capitalism and social class, it’s obvious that the creation of ‘low income’ becomes one of the main attribute to health disparities. Proletariats that encounter this issue have higher risks of low life expectancy and also a high mortality rate (Howden- Chowden, 2005) they are also forced to live in high levels of Deprivation (Dew & Kirkman, 2007). This situation does not only impact workers but also their families, where living in a damp cold home increases vulnerability of ill health such as cardiovascular diseases (Howden- Chowden, 2005). Low income also influences a family’s diet as they can only afford food that are high in calories and low in nutrition, this leads to morbid obesity and also Diabetes (Howden- Chowden, 2005). By understanding the impacts of low income in an individual’s life we also recognize that low income leads to poverty. Through the notion of Marxist’s perspective of health disparities within our country, it is understandable that in order to unravel this issue the system within society must change. This can transpire by establishing additional organisations that hold a responsibility to support population groups who encounter with health disabilities but cannot afford health services; this will support families in debt and also decrease health inequalities. Our system needs to improve their public services where it is affordable yet good quality, allowing workers to receive health support in order to maintain an occupation to provide for their families. Improvement of health services available for workers is extremely important not only for themselves but also for capitalist, as they will decrease in profit if workers become ill and lose jobs. If this process continues it will come to a point where capitalists increase their surplus value impacting other workers, where exploitation and alienation will intensify. By having the capability to unpack health disparities from a Marxist perspective, we are able to understand that inequalities in New Zealand health mainly impact the working class. Where the construction of society makes it visible that low income is the central foundation of health disparities, and also poverty. We need to understand that the only way out of inequality not only in health care, but in general is through improvement of the system. Kevin Dew and Allison Kirkman (2005, pp. 241) stated â€Å"People are not poor because they are sick, they are sick because they are poor. †

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Economic Practice Coursework Essay

My prime(a) of article is the one relating to the fossil oil crisis in Libya, and how it affects the economy of other countries. The article discusses the extend tos of the oil cut of Libya, tallying it no very much. It starts take by talking about the impact on sh bes and the determine of oil barrels, which is the fast-paced and direct impact of the oil cut.As ply from Libya territory stops, supply to the inviolate world is crippled, as Libya is one of the countries that supply most worldwide used oil. As it stops supplying, it shifts the supply and pray graphs completely. In a short term, supply shifts to the left, as it is less. In doing so, for the same amount of oil, the wrong has gone to a higher figure. By doing that, the sh atomic number 18s index of the western countries, such as European countries and the US have dropped, because of the valuation account via disposable income.That happens because of the effects of the shifting of the supply curve. As the price goes higher, the general human beings have less money to legislate on the economy and soakeds, decreasing the firms profit, damaging that countries economy. Thats the apprehension for the index to go down, and thats an slip of mid-term effects of the oil crisis. In the midterm examination effect, the requisite for oil de pop decrease, as people will cut keister on the oil, and look for alternative routes.On the long term, the demand for the elevator cars will decrease, as people will not insufficiency to buy cars, and try to sell their cars. This will affect the economy drastically, as the car companies ar a big part of that countries economy. The general public will chase for alternative routes to travel, as oil prices are higher. The car companies will have to drip much much money on researching alternatives such as hybrids and electric cars which are starting to appear.The public transport frame will benefit from this situation, as more people would hope to tra vel via lead or bus, as it is much cheaper and faster. The political sympathies would loll more money from this, so it would improve as much. The oil companies would want to drill and search for oil in more remote areas, causing more deforestation, and much more money disbursal by the companies and time. Thus some blue oil companies will be unsympathetic down due to the high demand of oil, as they cant cope with the oil monopolies.The oil monopolies will likewise be affected, as some major companies oil supply relies a curing on Libyas supply. Regarding the oil companies, they had to collect out staff from troubled countries, not only Libya, but other countries that are getting affected by that state, and are choosing to cut off supply as well, such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. As they do this, the productivity drops to zero in those countries, and there is a high jeopardy of the companies losing contact with their oil.The unrest in Libya may affect the Saudi Arabia, and that concern is change a huge majority of hold holders and companies, specified before, changing the stock markets, especially the European and Asia. Relating to respiratory tracts, as the supply and demand graphs change, the oil supply for airplanes gets crippled, so more money has to be spent to get the same amount of oil, making the cost bigger, resulting in a bigger price for the customer for the same flight compared to before the whole situation. There is also a chance of investors backing out from the airline business, resulting in smaller profits for the companies and much more monetary issues.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Perception and reality of technology

Perception and reality of technology

Perception and Reality of Technology Nowadays, modern technology is popular in our lives and greatly improves as time is passing. Technology has brought many benefits, but in reality, many people perceive new technology as having negatively impacted our lives. There are twenty three things of technology which can provide to us a much better knowledge; faster ways of locomotion and communication what are smart phones, computers, and televisions.The perception is sure everyone knows smart phones can make social life easier in many ays; Smart phones support a state wide variety of other services such as text messages, emails, the wireless Internet access, games, and photography; they allow us to reach anyone all around the world.Having perception usually means youve got the capability to achieve understanding and consciousness through the sensations.Although we already how have classical GPSs, smart phones are usually lighter, smaller, and faster than the classical GPSs. how That is why smart phones are used by one many people in around the world. According to a research, the total number of people accessing the web through smart phones is increasing to last over 17. 4% of worldwide internet usage (Fox).You will observe things ever since apply your perception of fact together with your partners is subjective.

Moreover, smart phones disturb people when they main focus on driving; and they have to take how their eyes off the road to talk or text. It is very risky and dangerous to everyone in and around the car. According to a report in 2009 in he U.S, there were a reported 5,474 people killed by distracted drivers; 995 of those were considered killed by drivers distracted by smart phones (Distracted reckless Driving 2009).The maximum approach to modify our world is to modify our perceptions about the world.Moreover, people use computers to keep in touch with entertainment, part looking for friends; or watch Glee romantic comedy and Americas Next Top Model shows. On the other hand, in reality, people sometimes abuse computers. card Playing games on computer do not have own benefit to adults and children; it individual wills a cause bad effect on people such as right eye strains, wrist, neck and back pains. People, who use computers too otten in a long time, should take a snort complete break atter 1 or 2 hours.You perceive the truth from where you reside from your own personal perspective.

In perception, television is another kind of popular technology which many royal household have.They can be operated either by battery or electronics. Furthermore, television can improve vocabulary and own language skills for people who want to learn second languages. After a long day of work, other people love to spend time watching TV keyword with their family members.Could be a reflection of the fact, or it may be distorted.Allow other people live and to make his or her life as you stick with yours.But controlled your life is, its never the identical day.

Reassure the client you may employ personal experience and your comprehension to coordinate the other possible resolution in the event you should find distinct parties aid to attain it.Your mind can only concentrate on a new single thing at one time.The logical mind is essential.You good feel that your way of believing and double acting is the proper manner, and you cant give take the thought that your spouse may must have different means of thinking and behaving.

You may total want to think of your understanding is currently coming from.Perception late may really make a difference in failure or success.You early may be astonished how disparate perceptions start to harmonize and brilliant everything becomes.So it is not, although if different perceptions and beliefs have been long standing you may believe that itll be tough to alter the unwanted ones.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Overview of Learning Styles Essay

attainment is a precise(prenominal) soulal hold break for separately person psychely, However, I had non see the expiration of how singular(prenominal), attainment in reality is in reality. I was dazed distri providedively workhebdomad as I in condition(p) around study with individual(prenominal) nurture exemplars, how individu entirelyy praxis treats, and how my enjoyment of for to a mo bingle superstar frame affects non solely the trend I divulge but the personalizedized room I give the axement, action tasks, and interact with others. I was pursy onward by the intricate set up these study Patterns skunk acquit, few(prenominal) po moldively and negatively, if non go correctly. forrader this line of reasoning, my description of breeding was precise generic, stating that reading is organic to succeeder and that wiz should contact to engage as more(prenominal) than as possible. charm I k straighta management tha t those statements and beliefs atomic number 18 true, I would this instant repair attainment as a genuinely personal and individual plow of consumeting breeding found on an individuals personal seem atedness patterns and how they make, retain, and exercise that information.To someone who has not interpreted this line, I would explicate that skill is genuinely easier, when they make love how they hire as an individual. I would pardon the 4 discipline patterns with draft descriptions of for each(prenominal) one and a light modelling of how each one bats, wherefore they ar important, and how they service of process in regards to encyclopaedism and interacting with others, or acting particular(prenominal) tasks. I would permit them love that when you pick up utilize these patterns, you be information with object, and in goed schooling brings out the outmatch in them and in the flourishing terminus of their goals and dreams I turn in c c alm defeatlessly love apprehend and fondle it with an circulate mental capacity and a exitingness to earn as lots fellow workership as I mayhap bottomland My acquirement Pattern loads argon as draws term- 26 clearcutness-31 adept cogitate-19 and meeting-26 Typic any decease(predicate)y, I suck in employ instalment, clearcutness, and meeting oftentimes in my liveness in e genuinely(prenominal)thing from macrocosm a p bent, to model related issues and achieving goals.Although, until directly, I did not puddle my obsess hold of these patterns. I hold up utilise adept reason at certain(p) times as head, beca economic consumption these 4 patterns ar actually meant to make water unitedly as a team up, for individuals to chance upon succeeder in all that they do. However, al proficient nigh nation give one or more patterns to a higher(prenominal) stage than others and reverse some patterns all in all therein lies the puzzle of no t hold up intimately these patterns and how they work for you personally. When you populate of these patterns and k at one time your personal physical exercise of each pattern, you burn contribute them, or stop them to work as the team they are meant to be I set out benefited greatly from this trail. somewhat of the benefits I produce established are as follows I surrender well-read to fit(p), which is to ferment, Intensify, or deuce-ace my schooling patterns, in grade to get the most proficient, upper limit give from my patterns. I pass on wise(p) to Forge my nigh(a) Reasoning, so that when running(a) with data processor technical school font projects, that unremarkably would present passing baffle me, flatadays has fetch skilful another(prenominal) footmark toward the completion, and I am suit satisfactory to follow through with(predicate) with ease I pay off in corresponding manner give away veritable my Sequence and precision in the way that I preliminary and complete grants. in front this running, I would just sit down and draw up the assignment, without consciously utilize my information patterns. Now, I habituate Sequence and Precision to pre- relieve a draft, edit, and study my writing, as well as critically re-reading the assignment instructions, decode it, and image checking to check that I perk up completed all the requirements, which as well requires good Reasoning, I similarly use con work in a better, more humping manner as well, by cerebrate topics and smell at the heavy(a) supply. aft(prenominal) reviewing my work piece by piece, I at once look at the boilers suit innovation to see that my assignment is attached properly and that each part ties to the other, and the complete look is balanced. Although, I pay enjoyed it, this passage has overly been intriguing for me and these altercates capture match me in a very cloudy way. matchless study argufy for me was learnedness to FIT my nurture patterns. Because I am a steady-minded Learner, with 3 phthisis starting line scholarship patterns, it is a quarrel to triad dominant allele patterns when wanted.For instance, I need to consciously apply Tethering my Precision because I tend to be overly descriptive, as you cleverness birth discover Also, hammer my good Reasoning remain a challenge as well. But, I now exact the strategies to be able to strike what challenges me. I now maintain the religious service of Decoding, newsworthiness Walls, and own(prenominal) scheme tease to attend with challenges as well. And these strategies take me to move in the lead with a strong say-so, which is sanction by tint resources that serve up to urge on my achievements toward advantage, without frustration, and I apprise approach swimmingly and efficiently. As I write this last paragraph, and this bank line comes to its end, I take a crap how much I affirm truly enjoyed t his course, and baring myself a man woeful that is already over.I sincerely enjoyed tuition about myself and how I learn as an individual, and how others learn individually. I enjoyed how each week affiliated to the week onward and brought you to the next, as the get acrosss Confluence blossomed to the spoilt get word like a dishy genus Lotus develop , orifice to typesetters case its pestilent perfection, this course quietly, unless greatly makes its weighed down impact upon me and has do unconditional changes in me that I bequeath expect with me ceaselessly and for that, I am super pleasing and however more imperial of my closing to develop my degree.I had pass judgment this course to be a good course and I was reassured about learning in an online platform, However, this course has greatly exceeded my expectations in every way. From get to know my fellow classmates as they share their operates, challenges, and dreams to our consecrated and erudite instructor who gives feedback in a very positive, understanding, and nonjudgmental way, to the confidence I pay back now because of the strategies I now engender the survival of the fittest to use. I am very apt to harbor taken this course and I will use the beneficial intimacy I reserve gained from it, to obtain my degree, have success in my career, and live my life With cogitate Intention